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About Nakú

We are two heartsisters sharing a long dreamed vision. From this shared view on life emerged a healing service to women and their families during the childbearing year continuum. Nakú was born.

Nakú means heart and is part of a greeting of the Totonaca Indians from Veracruz, Mexico, meaning how is your heart today. We chose this name because we care about your good heart and hope to bring your heart gentle healing with a fusion of our art, sustainable organic healing remedies and nourishing birthing and postpartum traditions. We offer carefully selected handmade rebozos, homemade herbal remedies supporting 'holistic' birth and postpartum practices and inspiring art focused on the Divine within. If our artwork speaks to you we also offer custom made artwork. 


Karen Hendrikse was born in 1972 in Purmerend, the Netherlands. She studied Cultural Studies at the UVA in Amsterdam. She first came into contact with Batik during a stay in an art community in Costa Rica in 2002. After an inspiring initiation in this art form, she formed herself, following batik during her travels around the world. She has offered courses in the Netherlands, the United States and Central America. Her works are a colorful journey to the subconscious in which she lets the healing of the Holy Feminine speak in every life form and in herself. She currently lives on an ecological Rancho in the mountains around Xico, in the State of Veracruz, Mexico, where she puts her green fingers in the earth with passion. She is part of "Salva Terra", a life project that aims to preserve the cloud forest (including through reforestation) and is working to realize the vision of an eco-village. As a doula, she is dedicated to serving (pregnant) women (and their partners), supporting the process of conscious pregnancy, (home) birth and the postpartum period ...

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