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Despacho Ceremony



A despacho is a powerful and beautiful ceremony that has been performed in Peru for centuries in which you can ask for healing and cleansing on different levels. This can happen on a physical, mental, emotional or spiritual level. In the form of a laid mandala that is created from various natural materials as gratitude to the spirits and guides of, among others, Pachamama (Mother Earth), Father Cosmos, the Apus and Nustas (the mountains) and Mamacocha (Mother Sea). All ingredients and objects have their own symbolic deeper meaning. For example, use is made of flowers, seeds, candy, personal power objects but also rice ...
















By making a despacho you ask for transformation, well-being, and healing. That can be anything: the healing of emotional and/or physical complaints, you can ask for insight and help with specific wishes or situations. Think of birth, also your own birth, your health, your happiness or sadness, a loss or mourning, letting go of old pain, a move, your cooperation with the people in your work situation, your relationship or marriage, healing for Mother Earth ...


You can enter your own intention, aspirations, prayers, gratitude or personal wishes through a Kintu (3 rose petals but originally 3 coca leaves) in the despacho. It is nice to ask this from your pure heart so that the spirits will support you in what is needed

for your own healing process ...


When the despacho is ready you get a despacho blessing. That is a confirmation and cleansing of your energy body after which the despacho, with all wishes and prayers entered, is given back to nature: by a fire ceremony, buried in the earth or returned to the water. After a while, you will notice that what you have asked will also come your way but often in a surprisingly different way that you did not expect.


Do you want to make a personal or despacho with a group together with me, do you have a special request or do you want to know more about despacho? Please contact me ...

Costs are € 20 per person in a group (minimum of 3 people).

A personal despacho costs € 60. Prices include all necessary materials, a ceremony takes approximately 2.5-3 hours.



“In every instance, no matter how the situation presents itself, each individual is responsible for seeing her or his own hurt and for finding a way to heal it without making the other person responsible
for that pain.”
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