I am grateful to you, dear new friend, that I may bring you in contact here with my INBORN WISDOM. This way I can share with you my inspiration that makes my heart and soul dance and what I feel to be able to bring into the world.
Feel welcome to take a look, let yourself be touched and take with you to investigate with your own depth whether something resonates with your heart that I might also mean something for you.
Follow your innate wisdom and intuition and with your authentic voice of your soul I like to see you on the path ...
Much softness from me, Kiki

Dear other You, may you heal your heart and always be able to see yourself for who you are! So beautiful, clear and soothing that you can and may be yourself. Free from any assumption. Listening to yourself and your heart in gentleness, that is beyond the depth of love for yourself and another. There is an enormous power and an unprecedented carrying and healing ability. Listen to your unique quality, your unique being is tuned to BE here on earth. From your heart be the depth that you are ...
April 27, 2018
Say YES to your YONI weekend
This weekend is for women who want to improve their contact with their Yoni and dare to investigate together with other women what is going on or maybe not going so well. Let yourself be touched by the story of the other women in the circle. Side by side as equals of each other. To be able to witness each other to truly embrace everyone's unique women. In love and softness. We invite you to 'feel' in a safe bed so that space is created for more enjoyment and creation. To bring out the sensual 'juicy' goddess of a woman that you are in essence.
March 23, 2018
Sacred Yoni Steam Bath Circle POWER
A gift for you and your source of creation, your womb, to be able to witness together with other sisters to be truly present in your sacred space, in softness. Deep (er) to listen what lives in you.
the theme of this special Yoni Steam Circle is POWER ...
We can never change the past, but we can change the negative stories that linger in our minds, the stories we tell ourselves, and repeat over and over again, while we wish we had said or done this, hoping for a different result.
In Birth Story Listening we explore the negative story, such as observing a garden full of overgrown weeds. We examine how these negative beliefs affect your emotional well-being on a daily basis. When we have clarity, understanding and forgiveness around the root causes of our suffering, we can cautiously begin to uproot the old and the new cultivate. I will help you plant fresh seeds and new positive beliefs that create stories to nourish, inspire and support your life and that of future generations ...
~ Welcome to heal ~